Product Page Checklist Guaranteed to Increase Conversions

Persuade more customers to purchase by optimizing your product pages using these best practices.
Jon Cogan
January 13, 2023

Your product page plays a significant role in your ecommerce conversion funnel. Investing time and money into marketing to drive traffic to your website will be fruitless without a persuasive product page. A product page should convey what your product is and why it is valuable to the consumer so they can feel confident moving forward with a purchase. The following are 9 factors that will help you create more persuasive product pages and increase conversions.


Don’t bury the lead

According to the 2021 digital experience benchmark report, the average time users spend on a page is less than a minute. Meaning, while you want to have detailed and thorough product descriptions, it should also be quick to read, clear and concise. Customers should be able to see what your product is and why it is valuable within seconds of landing on your product page. More details, context, and proof to support your claims can be provided further down on the page or in drop down sections. By adding a drop-down feature, you can provide extra information without making your product page overcrowded with copy.

Clear Call to action

Relatedly, the add to cart button should be impossible to miss. As stated above, you don’t want to overcrowd your product page with copy. A simple design near the price and product images, designed to compliment the rest of your product page is ideal.

Address Customer Concerns

A persuasive product page will address potential objections that may delay a purchase. Concerns over factors like utility, durability and materials, can result in lost sales. Providing thorough and detailed information about your product will not only increase conversions but also reduce returns because customers will have a better understanding of what exactly they are purchasing.


Live Chat

Any concerns or questions regarding your product that can’t be addressed in the page copy can be alleviated by providing a live chat option. With the competitive nature of eCommerce, most customers won’t wait around in a phone queue or wait for a response over email. Instead, they will simply look elsewhere. Live chat allows you to address questions and concerns instantly. Offering live chat also makes your business appear more trustworthy because it lets customers know you are easily accessible, leading to better conversion.


Go Beyond Product Images

When purchasing a product online, customers don’t have the luxury of holding and feeling the product as they would in a store. According to a UPS and Comscore study, 59% of customers believe visual information is the most important factor in their decision to make an online purchase. Providing high quality images is a basic necessity for eCommerce stores. However, an additional way to alleviate buying hesitancy is by showcasing your product through a variety of media, such as videos, 3D images, and augmented reality (AR). AR is becoming an increasingly popular option among eCommerce companies because it allows customers to view products in their own environment.  For example, many optical retailers like Warby Parker use AR technology to allow customers to virtually try-on glasses before buying them.


Reviews and Testimonials

Research by Podium, found that 93% of customers say online reviews impact their purchasing decision. Providing a steady stream of positive reviews on your product page increases trust. As an additional benefit, showcasing customer reviews on your product page gives you favour in search engine algorithms, leading to increased visibility.


Social Proof and Guarantees

Customer reviews is one form of social proof, however, other forms of social proof can also be a shortcut to establishing trust. For example, any reputable seals of approval or badges, such as NON-GMO, USDA Approved Organic, or Cruelty-Free should be displayed on your product page. It is important to note that permission to display certain badges or seals on your website may be required when referencing a specific official organization or standard. Safety seals, like a secure checkout badge, will also build customer trust and lead to better conversion.


Upsell and Cross Sell in Moderation

Upselling and cross-selling can help increase your average order value and, when done correctly, can make the original product even more enticing. However, it should be done in moderation. Overwhelming your customers with cross-selling or upselling will make your product page feel overcrowded and it can distract the customer from completing their intended order. Only feature the most relevant product add-ons.


Provide Options for Out-of-Stock Items

When a product is temporarily out of stock, provide an option for customers to leave their contact information to get notified when the item becomes available. Not only does this help you not miss out on future sales, it also helps build your email marketing list. 

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