eCommerce email Marketing

Email Marketing Services For eCommerce Businesses

Drive past cutomers to make more purchases, decrease abandoned carts, and bring new customers to your stores with smart email marketing services for eCommerce.


email marketing services

Increase customer LTV and drive new customers

While some people may see email marketing as a thing of the past, a well-planned campaign targeting past buyers can increase the lifetime value of each customer by over 50% - with just one email! This makes it one of the most cost effective ways of driving revenue to your eCommerce store. On top of that, you can send out cold emails to a targeted list to drive customers you have never had before. That being said, there are a lot of subtle nuances with cold email campaigns that can lead to a big hit to your business, so it is best to hire an expert to do these campaigns.


Opportunity Research

Every email you send out runs you the risk of unsubscribes - so don't just start shooting out emails. The first thing that needs to be done is research and data analysis to uncover the best opportunities your business has in the realm of email marketing.


Email Buildout

Once we know where we should be senting out emails, the next step is to build the emails - including copy, stiling, lists, and more.


Current Customer Emails

One of the best possible ways to increase the lifetime value of your customers is to remind them of your store through their email. Our current customer emails include abandoned cart emails, special customer discounts, and more.


Prospecting Campaigns

Cold email campaigns are something that can be one of the lowest cost, highest ROI campaigns an ecommerce business could do - that being said, you need to be careful. This isn't 2006 anymore, there are lots of new data privacy laws, and anti-spam legislations that have been put in place across the world which could harm your business if you don't understand them. With cold email campaigns, it's best to leave them to the pros (like us).


List Segmentation

Email is all about personalization - we will segment your leads into a wide variety of lists that will allow us to send the right emails to the right people, at the right time.


Leading eCommerce
Businesses to Victory.

I am an award-winning entrepreneur and have been building eCommerce business my entire career, spanning almost 20 years.

I have helped brands leverage their online sales to nearly $100 million acquistions. Just recently, I launched and eCommerce website and marketing program that churned out $3M in sales in its first two months.

I concentrate on helping companies build their online businesses by designing customer journeys, backed with smart technology and marketing programs. I help you drive large volumes of ready-to-buy traffic while providing you with ready-to-sell, conversion and customer optimized eCommerce destinations.




100% Client Satisfaction Rate

reach new heights

I bring big wins to your business.



traffic increase



sales increase



* Updated January 2021

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